So you want to donate to India

Sometimes life throws at us problems that are so large, so overwhelming, so raw and so suffocating that they leave us numb and speechless. We find ourselves wanting to do something, anything to fix what is broken or ease the sense of helplessness that seems to have settled in our stomachs. If like me, you are feeling helpless about India’s current Covid crisis, then the fastest way towards brief respite is to donate money. Here are a few pointers to get started.

There are many more fundraisers abound and many more organizations asking for donations. It is a marathon, take your time and find the organizations that work best for you. Above, I have listed those that fit my criteria: equity, trustworthy because they are long-standing (UNICEF, Doctors without Borders) and/or trustworthy because I have a personal relationship with them (Association for India’s Development) or because trusted entities have vetted them (


Dignity in Death


India, what happened . . .